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Monica Levin Holistic Health Coach

Monica Levin has been a holistic health coach since 1998, assisting clients in improving their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. She offers private sessions and group classes both in-person in Wixom, Michigan, and through video sessions.

Your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies are all connected; when you improve one, all the others improve.

Monica’s Holistic Health Coach Training

Monica’s interest in the holistic approach to health began when traditional doctors were unable to heal the physical problems she had experienced since a young age. In 1987, during her senior year in the Civil Engineering Program at the University of Waterloo, Monica was referred to a holistic nutritionist who used muscle testing to identify food intolerances. The nutritionist discovered that Monica was intolerant to wheat, milk, corn, oranges, refined white sugar, and a few other foods. Remarkably, within three days of avoiding these foods, Monica’s intestinal problems disappeared. After one month, her headaches, leg pains, cold sores, and canker sores were gone. In just three months, she no longer experienced menstrual cramps.

Monica Levin Holistic Health Coach

Fascinated by the remarkable improvement in her health, Monica embarked on her journey to become a holistic health coach. In 1998, she graduated as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. Since then, she has been helping her clients regain their health by modifying their diets and avoiding foods identified through intolerance testing.

Monica’s holistic health coaching includes food intolerance testing, thought transformation, releasing trapped emotions, Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection, and more, all stemming from inner guidance communication. Your inner guidance, your Divine Mind, will guide our sessions.

Holistic Health Coach Appointments

As a Holistic Health Coach, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and Inner Guidance Coach, Monica helps her clients via:

Homeopath Training

Monica is currently continuing her studies at The Montreal Institute of Classical Homeopathy. Upon graduation, she will be a certified Homeopath and Naturopath.

If you would like to participate as one of her case studies, please contact her here:

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