Free Access to Professional-Grade Supplements

Free Access to Professional-Grade Supplements

Professional-Grade Supplements

If you are like most health-conscious people, you take some supplements. How did you decide which supplements your body needs? Did you read a book, find suggestions on the internet, or listen to a friend? The best way to know which supplements your body needs is to trust your intuition – to ask your Divine Mind. To find out how, take my online class Self-Care and Health Renewal, read The Body-Soul Bridge, or schedule an appointment with me.

I invite you to set up your own free account in my Fullscript dispensary where you will have access to over 400 supplement brands, including Biotics Research Supplements, Designs for Health, and Metagenics.

Professional-Grade Supplement Brands

After you create a free Fullscript account you will have access to many professional-grade supplements and brands, including these:

Biotics Research Supplements

Biotics Research Supplements

Popular Biotics Research supplements include:

  • Multivitamins such as Bio-Multi Plus, Bio-Multi Plus Fe & Cu Free, ProMulti-Plus
  • Vitamin D for the immune system such as Bio-D-Mulsion Forte, Bio-D-Mulsion
  • Endocrine system support such as GTA, GTA-Forte, GTA-Forte II
Designs for Health Supplements

Designs for Health Supplements

Designs for Health supplements include:

  • Easy to absorb magnesium: Magnesium Buffered Chelate
  • Vitamins C and D for your immune system: Liposomal Vitamin C, Vitamin D
  • Synergy, Vitamin D Supreme, Emulsi-D3 Synergy Liquid
Metagenics Supplements

Metagenics Supplements

Metagenics supplements include:

Vitamin D for your immune system: D3 2000 Complex, D3 Liquid

Other immune system products: Echinacea Synergy, Metagenics Vitamin C

The contents of this website have not been approved by FDA, are for education purposes only,
and are not intended to replace the medical advice, diagnosis, or recommendations of your physician or healthcare provider.
This website makes no claims that products, therapies, or services herein will cure disease.