Monica Levin’s Books, Journals, & Guidebooks

Monica Levin's Books, Journals, & Guidebooks

Monica Levin’s Books, Journals, & Guidebooks

Learn how to trust your intuition! Purchase my books, journals, & oracle card guidebooks to help you on your spiritual journey.

Books, journals, and oracle card guidebooks are available in our store and also on Amazon.

About The Body-Soul Bridge Book & Journals

Watch this video to lead more about The Body-Soul Bridge Book & Journals

(I must apologize because YouTube put ads at the beginning without my permission)

Books and Journals

Monica’s books and journals include:

  • The Body-Soul Bridge: Reach deeper levels of wholeness and step into your future with confidence.
  • Food Guidance Journal
  • Gratitude Journal
  • Supplement Journal
  • Symptom Testing Journal
  • Thought Transformation Journal
  • Vibrational Imprints Supply

Oracle Card Guidebooks

Monica’s Oracle Card Guidebooks can be used with regular playing cards and include:

  • Oracle Card Guidebook DISCOVERY
  • Oracle Card Guidebook AFFIRMATIONS
  • Oracle Card Guidebook HEALTH
  • Oracle Card Guidebook BALANCE

Purchase on Amazon.

Wheat-Free Lactose-Free Recipe Books

Wheat-Free Lactose-Free Recipe Books

Monica wrote three recipe books before recipes were available on the internet! If you prefer books over websites, you can purchase her Wheat-Free Lactose-Free Recipe Books from this website!

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