Food Allergies and Your Metabolism

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Food Allergies and Your Metabolism

Elson M. Haas, M.D. believes that food reactions harm the metabolism more than any other factor. Your body reacts to your allergic foods, making it easy to gain weight and difficult to lose it. Food allergies affect your metabolism, and your ability to lose weight or not, in four major ways:

1. Food Allergies Slow Metabolism

Allergic foods slow down your metabolism because they block the absorption of nutrients and because they affect your thyroid. They will block the absorption of nutrients, including essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids increase your metabolism so blocking their absorption will decrease (or slow) your metabolism and your body will then be more likely to store fat. Food allergies can also make your thyroid malfunction and then you will gain weight.

2. Food Allergies and Hormones

Allergic foods can increase hormones that cause weight gain. These hormones include insulin, cortisol, and eicosanoids. If food allergies cause your body to create more insulin then your body will store more fat. If food allergies cause your body to produce less insulin then you will feel hungrier and want to eat more. Food allergies (and stress) can increase the amount of cortisol that your body produces. As cortisol levels increase, the levels of fat-burning enzymes decrease, causing weight gain. Food allergies can increase the production of eicosanoids, which inhibit the burning of adipose tissue and ultimately cause weight gain.

3. Food Allergies and Cravings

Allergic foods can create hypoglycemia which, in turn, creates food cravings and weight gain.

4. Food Allergies and Symptoms of Disease

Allergic foods make you feel sick and tired. They can cause asthma, earaches, leg pains, ADD, ADHD, stomach aches, canker sores, diarrhea, headaches, moodiness, constipation, frequent colds, insomnia, food cravings, fibromyalgia, eczema, dermatitis, colitis, ulcerative colitis, colic, diverticulitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, anxiety, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, arthritis, chronic colds, sinusitis, psoriasis, dry skin, PMS, menstrual cramps, eating disorders, chronic pain, arthritis, chronic ear infections, acne, diabetes, and more! When you have any of these symptoms you just don’t have the energy or motivation to do what you need to do to lose weight.

Food Allergies for Weight Loss and Weight Gain

Now that you are more aware of how your body’s metabolism is negatively affected by your food allergies the solution is simple: get tested for food intolerances by Monica Levin and stop eating your allergic foods! Okay, I said the solution is simple but I never said that the solution is easy.

Weight Loss Success

To succeed at losing weight you must:

  • identify your food sensitivities
  • eliminate your food intolerances from your diet
  • make your health your priority by making time to shop for allergy-free food and prepare allergy-free food.

What Are Your Food Allergies?

Make an appointment with food intolerance expert Monica Levin to determine which foods your body doesn’t want!

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