Employee Development – In-Person Courses

Employee Development – In-Person Courses

Employee Development – In-Person Courses

You have the option of having Monica come to your location and facilitate these in-person courses.

The Power of Body Language & Mindset Training

The Power of Body Language


Options: 3-Hour, 6-Hour

Did you know that your power comes from the body and the mind? Grab your cape and join Monica Levin in her dynamic in-person workshop on “The Power of Body Language & Mindset Training.” Learn how to harness the power of body language and mindset to succeed in work, relationships, health, and all areas of life!

Monica Levin customizes the half-day or day-long workshop to meet your company’s needs so that participants can become the best version of themselves! Learn about the body-mind-emotion connection and practice skills to become successful in leadership, sales, and customer service.

Course Materials

  • Notes provided in PDF format.

Support Materials

  • Uncover Your Secret Superpower
  • Oracle Card Guidebook: DISCOVERY
Unconscious Bias & Body Language

Unconscious Bias & Body Language


Options: 3-Hour, 6-Hour

Nonverbal communication is up to 93% of our communication and it is interpreted by the unconscious mind. What assumptions are being made by your unconscious mind? Join Monica in her enlightening in-person workshop “Unconscious Bias and Body Language” so you can bring your unconscious biases up to conscious awareness!

In this in-person workshop, you will discover more about yourself and others by observing your own thoughts, emotions, and body language as well as by observing the body language of others. All of your relationships will improve and your internal stress will reduce when you bring your unconscious biases to conscious awareness.

Course Materials

  • Notes provided in PDF format.

Support Materials

  • Uncover Your Secret Superpower
  • Oracle Card Guidebook: DISCOVERY


Intuition, Confidence, and Peace

Intuition, Confidence, and Peace


Options: 3-Hour, 6-Hour

When you learn how to connect with your intuition, you will be guided in all aspects of your life! You are never alone. Your intuition is the part of you that has answers to all of your questions. Let yourself be guided every minute of every day at work, when parenting, in your relationships, with your health, and everywhere!

Join Monica in her in-person workshop “Intuition, Confidence, and Peace” where she will teach you meditation techniques so you can connect to and get messages from your intuition. You will have the opportunity to practice your skills during this hal-day or full-day workshop. Your internal stress will reduce, you will feel more peaceful, and your confidence in your decisions at work and at home will grow.

Support Materials

  • The Body-Soul Bridge and Journals
  • Oracle Card Guidebooks: Balance, Health, Affirmations, and Discovery
  • Online course “Intuition Training, Manifesting, & The Body-Soul Bridge”


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